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S2. E13. "Just Let Them!"

Kitty Clements & Kyla McComas Season 2 Episode 13

This week we are discussing the "Let Them Theory".

This theory was discussed by Mel Robbins and has grown in popularity over the past year or so.  The Let Them Theory essentially encourages you to allow people to do what they do without allowing it to affect you.   Don't worry about what others are doing, saying, thinking, etc.  You do you and know that they don't have to agree with what you do, think, have, etc. 

There's obviously a bit more that we could dive into with this and that's exactly what we are doing in today's episode. 

Take a few minutes to allow yourself to consider the "Let Them Theory" and think about the people in your world that cause you distress, stress, anger, frustration, anxiety, loneliness, etc., can you 'let them' be them and be okay with not finding peace with them. or coming to an agreement.  Perhaps you just agree to disagree?

Share your feedback on this topic!!  We'd love to hear if you love it or hate it!  

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