Leave your EXCUSES after the beep...

S2. E43 Things we are loving right now!

Kitty Clements & Kyla McComas Season 2 Episode 43

Happy Love Month Friends!

In lieu of Valentine's Day this week, we thought it would be fun to discuss some of the things we are loving these days!

From our favorite coffee drinks, go-to protein picks, water bottle brands, skincare products and even a little discussion on our current fashion preferences ;). You won't want to miss this!  Weigh in and tell us about what you are loving this season...we'd love to hear about it!

A few of the products discussed in today's episode include:

Kicking Horse Coffee, Wonderstate Coffee, Bean Juice Coffee, Whipped Beef Tallow, Dermalogica, Makeup Erasers

Find previous podcast episodes here: https://leaveyourexcusesafterthebeep.buzzsprout.com

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